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Invasive Species, The Ecological Enemy All Around Us! Learn More on What you Can Do At The SWFL Invasive Freshwater Fish Roundup!
See that brown lizard running past your window now? What about that red-berried bush hanging over your waterway? What do those have in common? Both the brown anole and Brazilian pepper are invasive species, meaning they are nonnative, introduced by humans and have the...
“Breakfast and Birds” with the Friends of Tigertail
Friends of Tigertail hosted "Breakfast and Birds" presentations at Tigertail Beach in January and March. Well attended by residents and visitors, the participants learned avian identification techniques followed by practice on the lagoon beach. Many bird species...
Coming to a Shore Near You! Nesting Season for the Atlantic Horseshoe Crab
There aren’t too many critters that have roots dating back to 440+ million years ago that are still around today but one estuarine inhabitant that you may frequently walk past while visiting the coast has been scootering around our shorelines before the dinosaurs...
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