Tigertail Park Butterfly Garden Cleanup

At the recent “Bay Days” beach cleanup on April 20, 32 volunteers worked to rid the beach of debris, and members of the Friends of Tigertail board cleaned out the failing Tigertail Park Butterfly Garden, replanting greenery to transform the area into a...

Invasive Fish Roundup

Lionfish, tiger prawns, zebra mussels oh my! What does each one of these aquatic critters have in common?   They are all nonnative species that have been spotted in the United States, and when introduced into ecosystems outside of their native range, can negatively...

Annual Transportation Expo

Collier County Public Libraries invited Collier County Solid and Hazardous Waste Reduction and Recycling team along with Waste Management to attend the annual Transportation Expo: Start your Engines event held on February 24, 2024. This event provided an excellent...

Get to Know the Friends of Tigertail and Tigertail Beach

Friends of Tigertail Beach Clean-up Update Friends of Tigertail hosts quarterly beach clean-ups, two (April and September) in association with KCB, and the other two (July and December) independently, each event attracting 30-70 volunteers. Incorporated in 1998 by a...

KCB 2024 Community Litter Index Score Sheet

How does it work? Keep Collier Beautiful conducts an annual Community Litter Index to monitor levels of litter and debris, so that we can take action and clean up specific locations. We need volunteers to report from various areas in the community, so that we ensure...