Over 2,000 Attendees at the Touch-A-Truck Event

The Naples Church of Christ Touch-A-Truck event was a big success! It was one of the biggest events to date for the group, with almost 2 thousand attendees throughout the day. The recycle truck was the most popular truck at the event. With long lines, people waited...

First Tee Champions Cleanup at Jolley Bridge

First Tee Champions visiting group performed a cleanup at Jolley Bridge with the support of our partner, Michael Sipos, with the University of Florida IFAS Extension Sea Grant Office. Twelve children aged between 12 and 18 years old and seven adults attended the...

Lead a Team of Volunteers and Be a Site Captain!

We are currently confirming a list of volunteer site captains and cleanup locations for our upcoming community-wide cleanup events. Previous site captains are encouraged to take up their roles once again. Here’s a brief review of your tasks as site captain:...