See that brown lizard running past your window now? What about that red-berried bush hanging over your waterway? What do those have in common? Both the brown anole and Brazilian pepper are invasive species, meaning they are nonnative, introduced by humans and have the potential to cause harm to the environment, humans, or the economy.
Without meeting all three of these criteria, a species may simply be considered “nonnative” and pose little to no threat if properly managed. Nonnative species become a bigger issue when introduced to our environment and begin reproducing — often meaning they are here to stay, along with the negative impacts they create. Furthermore, these plants, animals, and pathogens that are now living outside their geographic range gain the distinction “invasive” when they negatively impact one or more of the following: the environment, humans, or the economy.
Obviously, there is a gradient in how impactful an invasive species is. For example, brown anoles and Burmese pythons vary greatly in the amount of damage they cause but share the same designation of “invasive.” The term “invasive” is often associated with attention-grabbing critters like green iguanas, but invasive plants — many of which we pass by daily — often go unrecognized despite their ability to alter entire ecosystems.
In Florida alone, we spend approximately $45 million annually on invasive plant management, with these species adversely impacting over 1.5 million acres of land. Much of our state’s tourism depends on pristine natural areas for visitors to enjoy, and invasive species can threaten jobs relying on those areas and recreational opportunities for residents. Moreover, invasive species are estimated to cost the United States’ economy up to $120 billion annually and are a major driver of extinction for many species on the endangered list.
So, what can we do? Education and prevention are the most effective tools for invasive species management, followed by early detection and rapid response. You can help by reporting sightings of invasive species to land managers using apps like the I’ve Got One App. Familiarize yourself with which species you are legally allowed to own or plant, research the full life-care requirements of animals before obtaining them, and do not introduce or spread nonnative organisms into the environment. It’s illegal.
Many animals are released into the wild due to the “tank buster effect,” meaning their owners acquired them as small pets but later found them outgrowing their enclosure or becoming aggressive toward tankmates. This often leads the pet owner to the realization of, “I have to get rid of this thing.” To prevent this, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) created the Exotic Pet Amnesty Program, which helps rehome unwanted nonnative pets. This program is beneficial for both the animals and the environment while also saving tax dollars that would otherwise go toward managing released species.
You can also help by removing invasive species in your area. While this may not eliminate them statewide, it can make a positive impact locally and raise awareness. The Southwest Florida Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (SWFL CISMA) hosts an Invasive Freshwater Fish Roundup each year — a fun event where participants can win prizes, support research, and make a difference in their community.
During the 2024 roundup, 119 anglers removed 4,850 invasive fish from 12 different species, totaling over 2,370 pounds. This low-cost/no-cost tournament provides valuable data for land managers and supports exciting research projects such as fish composting and mercury testing.
This year, the SWFL CISMA Invasive Freshwater Fish Roundup starts on April 25, and ends with an in-person weigh-in on April 27. The event is a blast, packed with education and activities. To learn more and register, visit
Submitted by KCB Community Partner:
Michael Sipos
Michael Sipos is the Florida Sea Grant Agent for UF/IFAS Extension Collier County. Contact him at For more fish-related content and updates on upcoming educational programs, check out for links to the Collier County Sea Grant Facebook page, YouTube channel, Instagram, UF/IFAS blog, and more!